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Alice Njeri Ngugi

Alice Njeri Ngugi (AN)

“The Enkiteng sewing program has helped me very much, my grandchildren can continue with education, and we don’t go hungry any more. I am now self-sufficient, I can pay for my house rent and buy food. I have been able to start a small green grocer shop.”

Alice Nyanguthii Waithaka

Alice Nyanguthii Waithaka (AW)

“The Enkiteng program has really changed my life. Before I started selling my Enkiteng bags to Seeds to Sew, my kids used to be sent home from school because we were late with school tuition. Now we can pay school on time. I‘m also able to buy food and we no longer go to sleep hungry.”

Anastaciah Wangeci Maina

Anastaciah Wangeci Maina

“Enkiteng program has really improved the life of my family. Before I joined, I depended on my husband for everything, now I can buy food for the family, pay school fees and buy clothes for my children. I plan on starting my own business
and through Enkiteng program I know I will one day start.”

Beatrice Nasieku Ruto

Beatrice Nasieku Ruto (BNR)

“I am very thankful for the Seeds to Sew Enkiteng Program. I became the breadwinner, bought a land, and built a house for my family. I pay school fees for my children, buy food and clothes. My sewing skills improved, and I am confident to start my own tailoring shop. The program has really changed my life.”

Esther Nyambura Waithaka

Esther Nyambura Waithaka (EN)

“I am thankful for Seeds to Sew very much because my life changed since I joined the program. Before I joined, we would go hungry but now I am able to buy food and clothes and pay school fees for my children. Through the program I saved and bought myself a machine which I use at my home to sew.”

Jane Kingasunye Lolgos

Jane Kingasunye Loglos (JKK)

“My life has changed very much through Seeds to Sew. I don’t struggle as I used to, I buy food and clothes, my children are attending school and I am happy. Through Seeds to Sew we trained to sew school uniforms and I plan to use the skill to sell uniforms to a local school. This will help me earn good money.”

Jane Wangui Ndirangu

Jane Wangui Ndirangu (JW)

“I am very thankful to Seeds to Sew Enkiteng program because it has changed my life. Before I joined, I depended on my husband for almost everything and my family went without food at times. After I joined Seeds to Sew I get money that I buy food and clothes for my children and myself.”

Jenifer Nashuru Naleke

Jenifer Nashuru Naleke (JNN)

“The Enkiteng program has changed my life because now I can afford to buy food and clothes and pay for school fees for all my children. Through the program I’m able to save and buy seedlings and fertilizer for my garden and this is very helpful. Thank you for buying the Enkiteng bags!”

Kingasunye Evelyn Ncherii

Kingasunye Evelyn Ncherii

"I am happy with Seeds to Sew program because it has helped me a lot. Before I joined, I was not able to buy food and clothes for my children. I saved little by little and I have bought two cows which helps me a lot from selling milk. My children are in school and I am happy. I hope one day I will start my school uniform shop.”

Lucy Wairimu Kimaru

Lucy Wairimu Kimaru

“The Enkiteng sewing program has helped me so much already. Since I have joined in 2015 I improved my sewing skills and I saved to be able to rent a farm where I grow vegetables that I sell. Through the program, I get money which helps me buy food for my children and save, with the aim of starting a baking business.

Mary Wangui Mwangi

Mary Wangui Mwangi (MW)

“I joined Enkiteng program in 2012. With the money I get from the program, I have been paying school fees buying food and clothes. I’m very thankful for the program. Through the Enkiteng program I have been able to save and buy a Singer sewing machine. The Enkiteng sewing program has helped me so much!”

Naibartuni Cecilia Siparo

Naibartuni Cecilia Siparo

“Since I joined the Enkiteng Program, I don’t have any problem buying food and clothes and paying school fees for my kids. We didn’t have a latrine before I joined, but I have been able to build one through the money I get after sewing. I am now saving to buy livestock for raising & selling. Thank you so much, God bless you.”

Naoroi Ene Ntaiyia

Naoroi Ene Ntaiyia

“Seeds to Sew program has been very helpful to me. All my children are now in school, some are in college and am very happy. I can now buy food for my children and my mother who I am caring for. I can buy maize for planting on my farm, I bought a solar lamp for my family. I also bought a cow and I sell milk, the money helps me very much.”

Teresa Nkesa Juma

Teresa Nkesa Juma (TNJ)

“Before I joined the program, I used to be a house wife. I had a tailoring shop although I didn’t have much work to do. The program has changed my life because I am not now begging for money from my husband am able to buy food, clothes and pay school fees for my children. I plan on continuing sewing so as to get income and improve our lives.”

Florence Wanjiku Ihuthia

Florence Wanjiku Ihuthia

“The Enkiteng sewing program has helped me already as I can now pay school fees for my kids and buy food for all of us. I started a small green grocer shop and it is helping me very much. Thank you for buying our products! You are making our dreams a reality.”

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