Street Business School
Street Business School is on a mission to end generational poverty by empowering women as entrepreneurs. As a global leader in entrepreneurship training, we equip women living in poverty with the knowledge they need to build sustainable businesses—and we empower them to believe in themselves and seize opportunity. We will reach 1 million women through an innovative social franchise model to help others bring our world-changing model to their communities. Read more about Street Business School

Girls Not Brides
Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 500 organizations committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfill their potential. Stronger together, Girls Not Brides members bring child marriage to global attention, build an understanding of what it will take to end child marriage and call for the laws, policies and programs that will make a difference in the life of millions of girls. Read more about Girls not Brides

Timbuk2 Academy
Timbuk2 Academy is a private, independent institution offering high-quality afro-centered, holistic, arts education for children ages 3-6 and personal development programs for girls/young ladies ages 9-22. We emphasize academic excellence, liberation and cultural identity awareness to enhance cognitive, physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, and spiritual development. Our philosophy elevates knowledge of self: self-respect, self-discipline, self-love, self-awareness and self-expression. Timbuk2 Academy produces well rounded leaders with the power to positively impact their families, communities and beyond. Read more about Timbuk2Academy